For more than a decade we , Textile Sourcing Services , are in the field of procurement of quality Textile products at competitive prices for our buyers  in USA , Latin America , Europe and Far East.

Our long presence in the market has enabled us to have cordial relations with many reputed textile manufacturers in Pakistan . It helps us to cater to the buyers’ requirements on a wide spectrum. With one of our associate being a Textile engineer, MS in weaving from Eastern Europe and remaining involved in training of textile professionals for more than 10 years ,  we are in a position to offer technical assistance and support in product development to the buyers as well as the manufacturers.

Our services starting with the receipt of a valued enquiry, go through sourcing the exact requirements , negotiating  competitive prices , ensuring quality at production stages and timely shipment , keeping the buyers in picture at every stage,  end up with a satisfied and well taken care of  customer in a far off land.

We welcome all for a trial  , a lasting relationship will hopefully follow.